
3 November 2010

Research and Planning; Week 4.

This week we watched two videos to help us with our filming; "Making a Video" and "The Language of Film." Both helped us to understand the shots, movements, editing and continuity we needed to make our sequence.

After this then, we studied the 4 elements of film making - mise-en-scène, cinematography, editing and sound. We learnt the definitions, micro-elements of each and why all are important to films.

Mise-en-scène - "in the scene." The elements of Settings & Props, Costume, Hair & Makeup, Facial Expressions & Body Language, Lighting & Colour and Positioning of Characters and Objects in a Frame.

Cinematography - Camera shots, angles, movements and positions.

Editing - The process of joining together pieces of a film using techniques like transitions, cut edits etc.

☆ Sound - Used to influence mood and create emotion including techniques like Diegetic sound (sound from the part of the world we are watching) and Non-Diegetic sound (sound that does not belong to the world of a film.)


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