
3 November 2010

Research and Planning; Week 3.


We examined 2 or 3 continuity exercises from YouTube in detail and discussed as a class the different approaches and camera shots that were used. They included;

180° rule - "a rule stating that a camera should be placed inside 180° on a particular side of the invisible line of a shot containing characters in a sequence. If the camera crosses the line it creates confusion because it looks like the people are switching places."

Rule of Thirds - "an image that should be imagined as dividing into nine equal parts by two horizontal lines and two vertical lines, and that the element in the picture should be placed along the lines or intersections."

Match on Action.

☆ Timing of Shots; 10 second rule - when filming a shot, its better to film for 10 seconds or more to ensure you have enough time to edit.

Shot Reverse Shot - where one character is shown looking at another character, and then reversed to the other character.

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