
3 November 2010

Research and Planning; Week 2.


To prepare for filming our continuity sequence, we watched a variety of examples - some from last years Media class and some from YouTube. The variety helped us decide whats good and what isn't, what shots to stay away from and what works. We also saw some good examples of bad continuity which would help us.

We then studied some camera shots, angles and movements and drew the storyboard we will use for our sequence which I'll include in a later post. I've included a website I found including some of the basic shots we will be using...

Then it was time for filming. Our group filmed our continuity using our friend mainly in the canteen. We learnt that as well as the obvious things, you need to think of the little things like background noise and people in the background. Also how the shots will cut from one to the other, the lighting and the positioning of the camera and if the tripod is steady. We also learnt that the only way to get it done quickly was to work in a group :)

After that we uploaded our films to the iMacs, where we had some problems with the size of the film. After sorting that we explored and investigated iMovie to know what to do when it came to editing it all together. Hopefully our sequence will come together soon :)


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