
10 May 2011

Audience Response

As a class, we watched each others film and evaluated each - giving strengths and weaknesses. Although we couldn't change anything about our film, it was a good way to see what we could of included and improved from, therefore we'd be able to make better films in the future.

Here is a few comments about ours:


  • Distorted narrative hooked you and made you want to watch on to find out what happened. 
  • Use of codes and conventions were done well.
  • Mise-en-scene worked overall.
  • Use of moving camera shot. 
  • Lighting of the bathroom scene.
  • "Darkness added tension to scene - natural ambient." - quoted by fellow classmate, Rhys Causon.
  • The enigma code was good - i.e use of rose petals.
  • Good use of shots.

  • Music didn't change - didn't create tension etc.
  • Use of rose petals by the stairs didn't make 'sense'.
  • Should of included a shot of the mask to establish it better.
  • Camera sometimes shook - creating confusion.

Overall, the reaction to our film The List was both pleasing and successful, and at the same time we got many good pointers that we could take into consideration for future reference. 

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