
23 January 2011

Decision for our opening shot

Throughout our pre-production planning, we've been debating whether to use a establising shot to open the sequence. Establising shots are used 9 times out of 10 in films to do exactly what the name suggests, to establish the location of the characted and also suggests the narrative.

We've been talking about opening on the first shot on our storyboard, a close up of a list with names on. Just like an establishing shot, it will establish the name we've chosen for our sequence, 'The List'. It will make it clear to the audience that the list is the soul item to the whole thing, and if the list didn't excist, our opening title wouldnt either.

While we all like this idea, we think the best course of action will be to film both this close up opening shot, and an establishing shot and deciding the outcome at the post-production stage of editing.

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